Stye is a kind of pimple that happens on the eye lid. Sometimes the bacteria that normally live on the surface of your eyelids block an oil duct. Then it gets inflamed. Other times, germs and dead skin cells get trapped on the edge of your eyelids.
Most of the time a stye starts as a pimple next to an eyelash. It turns into a red painful bump that can last several days before it bursts and then heals. Some styes are short-lived and heal on their own. Others may require a doctor’s care.
Styes are usually on the surface of your eyelid and easy to see. However, they can form deep inside your eyelids. An internal stye (on the underside of your lid) also causes a red, painful bump. However, its location prevents a whitehead from showing up on your eyelids. This type can also leave once the infection is gone. Some leave a small fluid-filled cyst that your doctor will have to cut open and drain.

Usually it is a combination of a clogged oil gland and a certain type of bacteria. Your body is coated with billions of friendly bacteria that live right along with you. Most of the time there is no problem. However, when conditions are right, the bacteria overproduces and create a pimple.
Styes and chalazia are usually harmless. They rarely affect your eyeball or eyesight. Rarely they can cause severe infections of the face called cellulitis. They can happen at any age and tend to come back from time to time especially in people who have ongoing eyelid irritation (Blepharitis) or a skin condition called Rosacea.
So effective measures are also there just we need to find the right solution for our styes.